I write this in the moment. As a blogger in this day this is not the way this should be written. Perhaps I have had a drink too many. Perhaps I should have paused before hitting the keys. Perhaps I should have even taken a moment to consider where I was.

My Husband is sad. My children are sad. I am sad. why? Because Papa is dying. Because Mama is sad her babies are returning to where they are in this world that is not here. And one just brought in “cheese bites” that are so disgusting I might have to cleanse my palate with another vodka.

Moments are opportunities and I blew a big one today, HOORAY for marriage as Mike made the recovery and we made our family of 7 moments. Not because we had to but because I wanted them. I adore my Husband for making it happen and my family for taking the cues. #hugskissesluvyamenatit