Once Upon a Time…

there was a group of gals. Of gals who were mostly at places in their hearts that they needed a safe place to use skillets and fish and aprons and crafting. And that time passed.

Some of the gals never spoke again. Some of the gals spoke often. Some of the gals began to see one another for the differences that originally divided them. Some of the gals just disappeared. And one gal, after speaking some, then rarely speaking (new loves do that to us all), then disappearing into the government abyss, attempts to retaliate in ways that seemingly won’t be seen. Well…

With a lump in my throat I decided to use government against government. And I knew in this use that my use would be transparent because there are few people who do not know how I stand in regards to raping me for money my family earned and then wasting that money. I knew this. I knew it would be obvious it was me.

I didn’t expect to be taken seriously, and apparently I was not. But I was surprised at the childish reaction of “unfriending” on facebook. As wasteful and slothful as is possible, there is/was a sense of maturity when it came to recognizing and acknowledging the playground that facebook is. But no less, I was not at all saddened to be unfriended. I can use less waste and sloth in my life.

I was also surprised that this forthright, unencumbered event would be shared in a forum from which I was banned. Oh, yes. Banned. And I am proud of it. If nothing tells me I am a good parent and a good friend – then my banning from a “mommies online support group” reassures me that indeed I am honest and I am doing my job. Very well. Very well, indeed.

And waste and sloth knew I would be made aware of the lack of creativity. Just as I know kinfolk will share. Oh, dear child, please remove yourself further from my burden…

Now, on a finer note, one completely absent of sloth and waste…as sloth and waste would never take responsibility for its own choices and failures…

Yesterday some friends enjoyed the soaking, cold gray, rainy day with us at our home. We planned well and the children enjoyed some bluetooth Minecrafting by the fire followed by roasting marshmallows in the fire, placing them oh-just-so-right into s’mores, washing the s’mores down with hot cocoa, and then using up the energy of the s’mores with a game of roller hockey on the patio. In the rain. With rollerblades, skates, golf clubs, and a tennis ball. I am grateful.